How to Develop SRC-20 Tokens on the Bitcoin Blockchain? A New Standard for Bitcoin-Based Tokenization

SRC 20 Token Development

We are thrilled to present to you the next big leap in token development: SRC-20. In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, innovation knows no bounds. While BRC20 tokens have taken the market by storm, we believe it’s time to shine a spotlight on an emerging token standard that is set to revolutionize the industry.

SRC-20 is a cutting-edge specification that builds upon the success of its predecessors, offering a host of unique features and capabilities. With SRC-20, we are entering a new era of tokenization on the Bitcoin blockchain, opening up a world of possibilities and expanding the utility of this revolutionary technology.

Unlike its more widely recognized counterpart, BRC20, the adoption of SRC-20 is still in its developing stages. However, this should not prevent you from exploring its immense potential. While BRC20 boasts an impressive array of over 18,000 protocols, the SRC-20 standard is gradually gaining traction with a select number of pioneering protocols, currently numbering 111.

This deliberate approach to development allows us to ensure the highest standards of quality and security. With a focused selection of protocols, SRC-20 promises a curated experience where every token holds significance and purpose.

In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of SRC-20 and provide an in-depth exploration of its unique characteristics. We will demystify the underlying technology and development process of SRC-20.

Whether you are an investor seeking the next groundbreaking opportunity or a blockchain enthusiast eager to stay at the forefront of innovation, our blog will serve as your comprehensive guide to development.

What is SRC-20 or Bitcoin stamp Token Standard? 

SRC-20, the Security Token Asset Management Protocol Standard, is revolutionizing the world of NFTs by offering an open protocol that ensures security and cost efficiency. Built on the trusted Counterparty protocol, SRC-20 enables seamless issuance of NFTs, eliminating the need to burn bitcoins for XCP tokens.

In a significant leap forward, SRC-20 allows users to pay for BTC transactions in a more conventional manner, streamlining the token issuance process. But SRC-20 is more than just a protocol; it has created a thriving ecosystem that provides enhanced security, improved liquidity, and better access to capital markets. This ecosystem makes SRC-20 the go-to choice for users seeking to issue and manage tokenized assets. reveals that the STAMPS network has already minted an impressive 111 SRC-20 Tokens, including notable examples like $KEVIN, $PEPE SRC, and $STAMP. The growing collection of tokens showcases the diverse possibilities and utility that the SRC-20 protocol offers.

Exciting news has arrived as Hiro Wallet, a leading digital asset wallet, has recently announced its forthcoming support for STAMPS NFTs. This upcoming update will empower users to seamlessly mint and showcase their SRC-20 tokens, bringing tokenization capabilities to their fingertips.

To foster a vibrant community, the Bitcoin Stamps community on Telegram provides an engaging platform for discussions and trading opportunities. Here, users can connect with like-minded individuals, ask questions, and explore the latest developments in the crypto space. It’s a dynamic space where users can stay updated on the progress of SRC-20 and other tokens, ensuring they are always at the forefront of innovation.

With the integration of STAMPS NFT support and the upcoming SRC-20 update, Hiro Wallet continues to prioritize user experience by providing cutting-edge solutions and expanding the possibilities for token management. Join us as we grab the full potential of secure tokenization with SRC-20, revolutionizing the way we interact with digital assets.

Understanding SRC-20 Token Development

A Different Approach SRC-20 tokens offer a fresh and innovative way to leverage the Bitcoin network. These tokens come with several advantages, including stability, security, and programmability. As the Stacks ecosystem expands, the demand for SRC-20 tokens is expected to soar.

The process of creating SRC-20 tokens involves locking Bitcoin on the Stacks blockchain, known as “minting.” When Bitcoin is minted, it is converted into SRC-20 tokens, which can be used for trading, investment, and application development. One significant aspect of SRC-20 tokens is that they are backed by Bitcoin, ensuring their value always corresponds to the Bitcoin used to mint them. This stability makes SRC-20 tokens a more reliable investment compared to other cryptocurrencies.

Moreover, SRC-20 tokens offer enhanced security. Built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain as a Layer-2 solution, the Stacks blockchain provides the security of Bitcoin while enabling programmability and interoperability with other blockchains. This combination makes SRC-20 tokens a secure choice for users seeking the benefits of both worlds.

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Advantages of SRC-20 Token Development

Developing tokens using the SRC-20 standard comes with a range of advantages. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of SRC-20 Token:


SRC-20 tokens are unique in that they are backed by Bitcoin, meaning that their value is directly tied to the value of Bitcoin. In this way, investors can be assured that their investment will remain stable and secure, as the value of their tokens will always equal the Bitcoin used to mint them. This makes SRC-20 tokens an attractive option for those seeking a more predictable and secure investment compared to other cryptocurrencies.


SRC-20 tokens, developed on the Stacks blockchain, provide secure storage and transfer of assets by leveraging the security of the Bitcoin blockchain. These tokens offer robust security measures to ensure that users’ digital assets are safe and secure. SRC-20 tokens are an excellent choice for users who are concerned about the security of their digital assets. With SRC-20 tokens, users can rest assured that their assets are protected from unauthorized access and theft.


SRC-20 tokens are designed to be programmable, which means that developers can use them to create decentralized applications (dApps) in the future. This programmability feature offers developers the ability to leverage SRC-20 tokens as a potent instrument for creating innovative and decentralized solutions. With SRC-20 tokens, developers can build unique and powerful applications that value users and businesses alike. This feature enables the creation of new possibilities in decentralized finance, gaming, and other industries.

Grab The Business Opportunities 

The Bitcoin STAMPS trend offers excellent opportunities for businesses seeking to prosper in the cryptocurrency world. with this trend, businesses are able to explore new opportunities in the fields of business, finance, art, NFTs and innovative developments. By embracing this trend, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and take advantage of the benefits that come with it. The Bitcoin STAMPS trend is an exciting development that businesses should not ignore. To make the most of these opportunities, partnering with blockchain experts like INORU is highly beneficial.

Hire Us for Pioneer benefits of SRC-20 Token Development 

INORU specializes in token development and offers comprehensive solutions, including SRC-20 token development. With their deep understanding of the blockchain ecosystem and a team of experienced developers, they can provide businesses with the necessary expertise to create and deploy tokens seamlessly. By leveraging INORU’s services, businesses can stay ahead in this rapidly evolving landscape and take advantage of the immense potential offered by SRC-20 tokens and the Bitcoin STAMPS trend. Don’t miss out on these opportunities. Partner with INORU today and embark on a successful journey in the world of cryptocurrencies.

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