How Much Does it Cost to Develop Sports Betting App like William Hill?

As evidenced in the epics from India and China, the concept of betting is probably as old as sports itself. Betting enjoys its relevance and prominence from the fact that people like to make money out of probabilities, and sports betting is one such territory where probability pays.

The introduction of online betting and mobile applications has resulted in a democratic shift of sports betting as an activity and business. Just like cab booking and online dating, even betting has gone through the paradigm shift of mobile applications. 

The popularity of betting apps is proportional to its acceptance as a business and the openness of constitutions to accommodate betting.

William Hill – the ‘Uber’ of betting apps:

Just like how Uber created a synonymy with cab booking, William Hill has done that with sports betting apps. Although there are competitors like Bet365 and Paddy Power, William Hill stands tall among them and can be considered a de facto standard for creating a betting app that is immersive for the user and profitable for the creator.

With the advent of app development companies that can develop clones of sports betting Mobile apps like William Hill, the possibilities of you starting a business that relies on an app are quite bright.

Basic features of a sports betting app

Any app like William Hill has to feature these basic aspects to facilitate the requirements to place bets and win. 

Sign in

This is the most basic section of the app which will present personalized content for the users. The users can register in the app by using social network or email account credentials. 

Live scores

The bets that are placed and the probability of winning depend on the scores. A clone of William Hill needs to have a feature that will enable users to check the scores of the matches they are betting on. 

Notifications of results

All the notifications regarding the performance of the players who are being bet on and the conclusions of the bet, including but not limited to the winners should be sent to the users of the app.

Betting tips

This is one feature that keeps novice users hooked to your app. The users can get information about the betting prices and the sports that are included in the app.

Sport selection

Unless your application is about a single sport, the clone should feature a menu from which a particular sport can be selected to place the bet. This menu should be available in a way that it is obvious and accessible to the user and should enable the user to place the bets with ease. 

Schedule of oncoming games

The users should be able to view and store the upcoming matches along with the date and time. The app can also have a feature where the users get notified when the match is approaching or happening. This will help users place the bets accordingly.

Selecting the betting pattern

There are different betting patterns that are available, and a comprehensive betting application like William Hill should be able to provide many if not all of the betting options. Some of the batting patterns are:

  • Always checking the river
  • Check raising
  • Folding on the flop 
  • Call, call and raise
  • Same bet size on the turn as the flop
  • Check / call, small bet on the term
  • Check flash call, check min-raise
  • Check / insta call, check / insta call… pause on river…bet
  • Preflop raise of 4 x + from someone who usually limps or raises
  • 3 x preflop open lamp from an aggressive player who always raises
  • A player who always continues to bet the flop and now checks

Selecting the betting type:

Under this section, the user should be able to select the type of betting and this would let them play according to the selected methodology. The betting category can be selected according to the game that they are betting on. Some of the standard betting types are:

  • Singles 
  • Parlay
  • Handicaps 
  • Patent 
  • Head to head 
  • Totals 
  • Tricast 
  • Yankee 
  • Multiples 
  • Double 
  • Triple 
  • Each way

The final standings

At the end of the bet, the users should be able to know the position in which they are placed at. This can also enable checking information regarding the status of the money and the open bets that are still available. Parallel to this, there should also be a notification that informs users about the creation of a new pool by the administrator.

Facilitating communication between users 

The users should have an engine to communicate with each other. This can help them communicate about the price standards and match predictions. Possibly, the experts can guide the amateurs and make them better betters!

The administrator panel

The administrator is the big brother of all the gambling that happens on the sports betting app. They will have access to information that will not be available to a normal user, and the administrator will need to have a few features that will help maintain the sanctity of the app. 


The administrator should be able to register in the app with the help of self-created credentials. It is to be noted that unlike the user, the administrator might not be able to login with social credentials.


This is the place where the administrator will be able to manage a lot of aspects of the app including but not limited to the users and the betting prices. 

User management

The administrator has the powers to add new users and view the details such as the ongoing money standards, the invested amount and the sports in which they are participating in. The administrator also has the right to activate or deactivate users, create new pools and edit existing ones.

Marketing and monetization tools

This is the section where the App monetization strategies are managed by the administrator. The monetization strategies include advertisements, promotions, and in-app purchases. All the activities related to monetization are tracked and verified by the administrator.

Odds from bookies

The administrator can set the prices according to the standards that are calculated by the bookies. This will also help them determine the probability of winning in a match.

Managing content

The administrator should also be able to manage content for the static pages like the terms of use and frequently asked questions. The content management engine can also include email managers which can notify users about specific events and incidents like forgot password and activation emails.

Advanced features of  Sports betting apps like William Hill

Your sports betting app can include a few advanced features that will make the experience immersive and interactive.

Live streaming of matches

Live streaming elevate the experience of visiting to a new level. This will ensure that the possibilities of real time bidding are not missed out. It helps witness the progress of the actual game.

Pay and bet instantly

This is a method in which the participation of users can be greatly increased. The performance delivered by the players at that point in time can be considered as a factor using which users place their bets and win instantly. 

Multi language support

We have talked about how sports betting applications have become democratic. If your application caters to multiple geographies, it is better to have multiple languages support.

Offline connection

Since been connected is of vital importance, the app should have an option to function offline for a short amount of time until the users find another source of internet.

Backend connection 

This is one of the most vital features of a mobile application if you intend to show updates every minute or when the users refresh their app every time. Using latest technologies like Cassandra and postgresql can enable developing a robust and solid backend infrastructure. 

Umbrella aspects

Beyond what has been discussed above, there are few basic yet important things that need to be taken care of.

Requirement analysis

An app like William Hill should provide the users with all the updates, team and player information, and also keep them informed about the previous betting scenario. This will not essentially help them win but surely will equip them with the professional knowledge required for winning in the future.

Focus on quality

Even if you have the most robust technology, infrastructure and the backend, it might fall flat if the user experience and user interface is not impressive. The aspects like load and refresh rate should be addressed. A fine point between simplicity and high quality standards should be arrived at. 


Anything that involves money needs top-notch security. The app needs to have inbuilt payment transaction models and all the concerns regarding deposit and withdrawal should be addressed. Integrating your app with trusted payment gateways and digital wallet providers should help keep up the trust.

Related — How to make Sports Betting App

Conclusion –

Is getting yourself a dedicated sports betting software the right way to go?

William Hill has laid out the roads to success for a betting application. Treading carefully on the same path while avoiding the mistakes and doing the right things better will make sure that your success is also insured in the business of sports betting. To create your customised sports betting Mobile app, you can get in touch with our expert team and we will help you realise the dream business, against all odds!
